The Arizona Food Marketing Alliance is your industry voice. We speak for more than 1,100 grocery stores and over 100 suppliers as we work to further our industry’s common relationships and interests. Every day, while you are working hard to make your business a success, AFMA is working equally hard to fight for your business interests in the retail grocery industry.
As a member of AFMA, you have access to information, representation, resources and services that directly affect your business’ bottom line. Our benefits are specifically designed to support our members’ best interests. For additional information see our Member Benefits.
Recent Members and Sponsors
The Arizona Food Marketing Alliance Represents and Advocates the Interests of the Arizona Retail Food Industry and their Supplier Partners in Legislation, Regulation, Education and other Appropriate Services.
We Strive to Represent and Promote this Industry to Bring Prominence and more Awareness on it’s Impact and Presence in Arizona.
We are committed to helping build and maintain a strong, flexible, and prosperous food industry in the state of Arizona.

120 E. Pierce St, Phoenix, AZ 85004
(602) 252-9761